3 definitions by Vandervest

Emo for people in their mid to late 20s.
A guy who listens to a lot of indie music and writes bad poetry graduates from emo school at age 25 and is now a hipster.
by Vandervest August 13, 2009
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A Bum Savings Account is an old shopping cart, usually from Wal Mart or Value Village, that a bum has filled with bottles and cans to eventually cash in for a box of wine.
"Man, look at that. There goes another creepy homeless guy with his Bum Savings Account."
by Vandervest June 19, 2009
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A bar that attracts tools. They can usually be spotted in hip neighborhoods and have one name that involves a mix of lower and upper case letters such as DoUChe, or DaYT RaYpe.

Patrons of a tool box generally can be seen wearing Abercrombie, or those horrible tattoo shirts. They can be seen wearing white sunglasses even in a dark club, wearing vintage Adidas, and talking on their iphones.
Your Friend: "Hey, have you heard about that new club downtown, ROOfiE?

Me: "Yeah, avoid it. It's a real tool box."
by Vandervest June 19, 2009
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