1 definition by VVhy?

Quite simply, the lowest form of life on the Internet, if not the Earth itself. A group of hate mongers that stir up controversy in the name of the "lulz" (Which is their sick little idea of "humor" and "entertainment").

For the most part, this is mostly the way the site comes by the majority of It's content, since creating worthwhile content WITHOUT creating the drama they do takes more ability and originality than they clearly possess.

The site itself is basically a glorified shrine to trolls the internet over, and the concept of hard trolling overall.
All of which occurs from behind the safety of their supposedly un-pingable website, since they're such the internet tough guys they are by doing what they do, then hiding behind "anonymity" (a word they tend to overuse a LOT).

There also seems to be no place they won't go on the internet for the sake of garnering content for their pathetic unimagintive site pathetically low ranking site through trolling and drama making.

But if you like such mindless drivel as the Jerry Springer show, you'll probably love the even more mindless content on their site, and the people behind the screens there as well.

I understand they are contemplating a name change for their site from "ED" to "Special ED", since there Isn't a regular on there who hasn't failed special ed class.... twice. The total IQ added up between all the members of the site is said to total .25 (1/4th) of an entire IQ point.

These truly are the people that give scum a bad name.
In Websters Collegiate Dictionary under "Scum" it says "See Encyclopedia Dramatica".
by VVhy? August 5, 2007
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