1 definition by Used2BeAVampireButIGotNeutered

CKS: Abridgment for the conversation killing smiley.

CKS is, yes, a smiley, which is often used by individuals whom does not wish to be disturbed further in, for example, an online conversation.

Can also be used in conversations in which case the user holds no interest for the current topic.
By using CKS, the user acknowledges what has just been said, but still sees to it that the conversation abruptly stops.
Retard "Dude, so I just said to my dad, I'll do what I want, because I'm a grown man, so either gimme sum money or I'll stay in my room all day and moan about life and how it's unfair and how I really wanted that pony last Christmas.

User ":P"

Retard "Awh... CKS... you dick.
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