2 definitions by Ur gay asf

A small shithole were the hardest decision is to go to dunkin or buchmiller park.Most of the student population attends Montclair state university because they can’t get into any other college. You have the two hot guys that fucked with every girl in the high school and those who are good looking but end up playing Pokémon go. If you live in Secaucus your gonna attend the football games and be apart of “caucus crew” and on mdw stay in Hershey motel in “sleezside” and if you are a underclassmen you have partys with two kids and think your the shit .
Secaucus is like a cult everyone and there mother know each other
by Ur gay asf May 29, 2019
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A small town where everyone’s fake and u can’t trust anyone. To much drama and not enough space. Everyone knows everyone and it’s unfair. Never come here it’s a waste of your time.
Rumors spread easily and people believe it. I hate this town. Secaucus can suck my toes.
by Ur gay asf May 29, 2019
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