2 definitions by UDPride

The state of being pregnant, often with a lack of grace or dignity, but acknowledging this with a degree of humor. Women who love being pregnant are NOT pregwaffles.
When a stranger congratulated Sally on being pregwaffles, Sally squeaked out a quiet, 'Thank you' as she tried to flatulate without wetting herself.
by UDPride September 8, 2013
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Noun. People, usually caucasians, who where mullets, go to NASCAR events, drive pick-up trucks, believe Dennys is fine-dining, drink all your Heineken yet only offer you Old Milwaukee Light, put Calvin stickers on their back window, and who typically procreate at an alarming rate disproportional to their yearly household income because they have no job skills or ambition.
Susan, you see that guy over there talking about his Camaro like its a god-damn Ferrari, if you've seen one fuckin' briar, you've seen them all.
by UDPride December 26, 2003
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