2 definitions by Truthy tidbits

An Actual justice warrior ( AJW ) is someone who fights for BASIC LOGIC and rights for ALL people ( EVEN if they happen to be white ) because they're a person of actual moral integrity.

1) AJW : " FACTS over feelings ; I don't care if you FEEL like a deer 🦌, YOU'RE NOT A DEER . You need therapy. "

2) " You can't kill them JUST cuz they're white ; that's still murder, and you're racist ."
As an Actual Justice Warrior, I actually have to back up my arguments with FACTS ( data, statics, science - xy or xx , only 2 options - etc. ) instead of just screaming and calling you racist to win an argument.
by Truthy tidbits November 27, 2020
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1) someone incapable of basic logic : " misgendering someone on accident is violence, but stabbing white people isn't violence ".
2) a spineless simp, who would rather have the violent mob think for them : " last year, I said we don't need guns cuz we have the police, but now we shouldn't have either of them, so that crime will disappear ".
That libtard couldn't give me ONE example out of ' 100s of racist policies ', and contradicted herself 3 times in 5 minutes.
by Truthy tidbits November 27, 2020
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