1 definition by Truthlover17jd

Zahra the leader of the world meaning: sweet, overthinker, sexy, fearless and loving. All Zahra's are naturally beautiful and body curvy like a model. They will lash back at people harder if someone do them wrong, most girls jealous Zahra's. They are talented and they are very freaky and romantic . Every men wish to marry a Zahra. Zahra's can put you down to the ground don't get her mad she will end you for good. Zahra's glow up will be the best and everyone will watch her as she walks by. Zahra's have a sexy, gorgeous style . She is very good in bed and all the boys love her. Zahra's are great at dancing and making new friends. She is best sexy women who is loyal and a real friend, she is a successful woman who will be making millions of dollars. If a Zahra ever like you are the most luckiest man/boy in the world keep her and treat her like a queen. Zahra are the girls who don't depend on anyone.
Zahra sexy, beautiful, mouth-watering, dazzling, shinning, stunning, loyal, trustworthy, successful, rich and best women
by Truthlover17jd November 23, 2021
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