3 definitions by Trumper Dumper

Greeting a stranger for the first time by breaking wind. i.e emitting gas, directly into their mouth. You grab the back of their head and bury it deep in your cheeks. Often proceeded by an attack from 3rd tier Canadian actor.

This cultural custom dates back many many years in the acting community. Folk law cites the alleged Comic "Bobby Lee" starting the practice on the set of MAD TV, being the first production to adopt the custom.

In modern film and television, It is necessary for male actors and comedians to assert dominance over their physically inferior and often less talented female counterparts.

Unfortunately, in light of the me too movement, this is no longer able to be performed through aggressive sexual behaviour. So humiliating toilet humour has replaced sexual harassment. Bobby Lee has thanked the me too movement for this, as previous attempts at sexual dominance have ironically ended in his own humiliation.

Synonym. "A fine how do you do."
Hey Bobby we need to. talk, please come in?

What up?

Well Ron Peterson made an official complaint about you farting into Christa's open mouth.

WHAT, I didn't stick my did in her mouth - I just farted. This is a cultural misunderstanding... where I'm from ITS CALLED A " Korean Hello,

Bobby! You're from San Diego.

... Ok I'll buy her a gift basket and write her into a sketch.
by Trumper Dumper February 2, 2021
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Greeting a stranger for the first time by farting in their mouth. Walk up to the (normally) female victim, grab them by the ponytail, lift your anus directly into their mouth line and float an air biscuit. in their general direction.

This cultural custom dates back many many years in the acting community. Folk law cites the alleged Comic "Bobby Lee" starting the practice on the set of MAD TV, being the first production to adopt the custom. and was known as a "Korean Hello"

In modern film and television, It is necessary for male actors and comedians to assert dominance over their physically inferior and often less talented female counterparts. "A fine how do you do" if the western version of this ancient Korean American custom.

Synonym. "Korean Hello"
Oh shit dude.. I've got this whole thing with HR on Monday?

What happend?

I gave the one of the copywriters in the marketing department a fine how do you do. The cunt started crying.

Well mate. At least she know's who's the boss now.

Yeah I suppose. I miss the days when I could have just smashed her back doors in instead.
by Trumper Dumper February 2, 2021
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A unique specimen who supposedly calls him/herself president, when in fact the majority of their already limited knowledge comes from Google Searches and Cable news. They have no interest in "intelligence briefings". They have no knowledge of even there own party, and have no knowledge of their history or culture. They used this Party to get to power as it most suited at this time.

Instead of using party faithful for cabinet positions, a Plastic President will fill the halls of power will family, friends from the club and real life representations of DC comics Legion of Doom.

The Plastic President is also remote controlled. Using a repurposed wi remote a "foreign agent" can take control at any given time using the codeword "Please help me skin this bear Vladamir"

Also being plastic makes it easy to wipe pee off after a golden shower.
"MR Putin, The Plastic President in now online and awaiting you orders"

"Please hose down the Plastic President to avoid that longterm sticky feeling we have been getting after such activities "
by Trumper Dumper January 15, 2017
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