2 definitions by Trey Cole

The art of nooging refers to executing a perfect noog. It involves smoothly taking someones bag without them knowing, turning it inside out and rezipping it in the shortest possible time, and then prevent it's unnooging through, wrapping the bag in tape and/or paperclipping the zippers together.
Freshman: Man, I hate nooging.
Freshman 2: Yeah, me too. Yesterday a big scary upperclassman through me in a locker and nooged my bag.
Freshman: That fucking sucks. I bet you had to take the walk of shame too.
Freshman 2: Yeah.
Freshman: Faggot.
by Trey Cole October 31, 2004
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Verb. The act of removing the contents of a backpack, turning it inside out, returning the contents to it and rezipping it. The zippers may also be attached in order prevent unnooging, thus causing a walk of shame (see "walk of shame")
Person 1: That kid's a loser, let's noog him.
Person 2: Yeah. turn it inside out then wrap in it tape.
Person 1: Pass the tape, no the duct tape. Muahahaha.
by Trey Cole October 31, 2004
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