3 definitions by Trever "Parlay" Trader

A robotic villian. Combination of the words mechanical and maniacal.
The cyborg mechaniacal lust for blood was only superceded by it's needs for rustoleum based paints.
by Trever "Parlay" Trader October 24, 2005
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In betting terms a parlay is used to take winning's from a previous bet and add them to a new bet. A better term to describe this would be to "Press your Luck".
Dealer: What do you want to do with your winnings?
Me: I want to press it. (parlay)
by Trever "Parlay" Trader September 29, 2005
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djeetyet is a word that is symbiotic of an antire question, spoken with just one word/phrase. This is most commonly used in the deep south, by redneck hillbillies with at least two teeth missing.
Coversation flow:
Hillbilly #1: Djeetyet? (Did you eat yet?)
Hillbilly #2: Nodjyu? (No, did you?)
Hillbilly #1: Yumptu? (Do you want to?)
Hillbilly #2: Aight. (Alright. "aight" is typically only spoken by blacks and people that think that they are black.)
by Trever "Parlay" Trader December 2, 2005
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