2 definitions by TotallyNotBogdanIlinca

A very handsome dude that has a magnum dong and is really cool and has over 5000000000000000000000 wins on fortnite because his IQ is over 90000000000000000
Girl1:Omg have you of Bogdan Ilinca?

Girl2:Omg yesssss, he's SO cool with jis magnum dong
by TotallyNotBogdanIlinca December 17, 2019
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A minecraft user that is toxic as all hell and that is too poor to buy a real copy of the game so he pirated it.
Person 1: Damn why this poor guy being so toxic
Person 2: Cause he's Alergiq_
by TotallyNotBogdanIlinca September 27, 2020
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