2 definitions by ToothpasteToMyToothbrush

A Göksu is a person who is very outgoing and confident .

They know so many people. İf you are in a crowded room with a Göksu they will come across at least five people that you don't know.

They are unique and definitely underrated. Beauty+ Cuteness = Gösku

Göksus are brunet in general. They are the living proof that there is no need to be blonde to be beautiful. Göksu is a Turkish name but there is no doubt they can communicate with anyone from around the world thanks to their language skills. They are language gods. They love nature as their name comes from the Göksu River. İf a Göksu suddenly comes into your life, stick to them and never let them go because I am sure they will bring joy and happiness to your life. Göksus are the CEO of encouraging people. They have a good effect on people. You will never get bored if a Göksu is around. Göksus are loyal friends. They never leave you alone even in your darkest days. İt is certain that they are problem solvers. They may seem lazy but it is just that they love leaving tasks to the last minute, it is their lifestyle... They either listen to rap music or Turkish pop music, there is no in between. They are very good cooks, the wifey type. When it feels like things aren't working out, a Göksu should never feel desperate and be sad about it because karma is a bitch and they know that! Göskus deserve the world!
- İs that Göksu over there?
- Yes, of course! Who could pull off those big sunglasses other than Göksu?
by ToothpasteToMyToothbrush May 23, 2020
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A Gösku is a type of Göksu which was born on May 25. İf Urban Dictionary writers let me publish my definition Gösku and other Göksus are going to be happy so if you are reading this please push the green button thanks. Gösku's friend is angry with çiçeksepeti so she came up with this brilliant idea of writing a definition to Urban Dictionary as a birthday gift since no-one has written before. I love you Gösku. You are the best Göksu I have ever met. I will never stop loving you!
- Today is Göksu's birthday!
by ToothpasteToMyToothbrush May 23, 2020
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