3 definitions by Toney’S Tough


To do a twisting or wringing motion with the hands, on the penis shaft, like using a Parmesan cheese grater from the Olive Garden while preforming a blowjob.
I love it when my girl gives it an Olive Garden, while giving me head!
by Toney’S Tough September 5, 2019
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To do a twisting or wringing motion with the hands, on the penis shaft, like using a Parmesan cheese grater from the Olive Garden while preforming a blowjob.
I love it when my girl gives it an Olive Garden, while giving me head!
by Toney’S Tough September 5, 2019
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1) To approach the opposite sex, with a dorky pick-up line. (Negative in meaning)

2) To do something that is considered dorky, with loving intention. (Positive in meaning)
1) Him: Hey baby, did you wash your pants in Windex, because I can see myself in them.

Her: Did you hear that guys pick-up line? Eww! He's so "Adorkable"!!!

2) brother: Can you believe our parents got us tickets, to a StarWars convention, for Christmas?

Sister: IKR.. Aren't they getting so "Adorkable", in their old age?
by Toney’S Tough July 28, 2021
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