1 definition by TomTomUgg

A random fault in a long chain of DNA string of a male homesapien causes a Fenton to be born when the male mates. Fenton is effectively a modern day neaderthal man otherwise considered exstinct. He can be found roaming and foraging in the Woodhouse Eaves area. May approach if startled, suggest that the person does not make any loud noises or sharp movements or he will be confused into a mad 'Fenton Frenzy' as the local myth calls it.
(A Fenton reading an email)'Ugg Ugg why rock flashing!? Uh Me read email! Ugg
(Fenton playing Rugby) 'Why we throw dinosaur egg?! Ouh It ball, me eat ball, Meatball?
by TomTomUgg November 23, 2006
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