4 definitions by Tokyo to Paris

Most cosmopolitan city in America. Best queer scene, most exciting nightlife, and friendliest people.
In other words: New York is da bomb
L.A. just bombs.
by Tokyo to Paris November 6, 2003
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L.A's most urban neighborhood. The gay mecca of the city or suburb. Let's just say lots of pretty men in Euro dreads.
Best gay scene and the Sunset strip is really trashy and fun!
by Tokyo to Paris November 6, 2003
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Uber hip streets, funky dreads, Lively streets and faster than the speed of sound subways.
Yep biggest city in the world, also most expensive, but culturally enriching.
by Tokyo to Paris November 6, 2003
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The most cosmopolitan city in the world, with the coolest subway system
(the underground). Proper and sophisticated yet urban, ethnic, and clubby. Best food out of any Euro city.
A city that feels like a big disco, sophisticated yet chaotic
by Tokyo to Paris November 6, 2003
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