18 definitions by Tim Jerome

A person who displays a penchant for LL Bean and Land's End clothes, Hammy's can often be found congregating around coffee shops where acoustic folk music blasts so loud from the overhead speakers that people have to shout in order to be heard. While Hammys usually have an above average IQ, their lagging taste in current popular culture has marginalzed them from mainstream American society.
With-it Person: "Dude, how many times are you going to re-read Zen and the Art of Motorcylce Maintenance? Don't you like any of the new writers like Nick Hornby and Dave Eggers?"

Hammy: "Nick and Dave WHO?"

With-it person: "Sheesh!"

Hammy: "Come on! Let's go listen to some Pearl Jam and play hackey sack!"
by Tim Jerome November 18, 2007
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An extremely wealthy suburb in upstate New York much like Greenwich, CT or Beverly Hills, CA. Don't even bother moving here in you're not a millionaire. Tourists, however, are always welcome.
Donald Trump: "I flew to New Hartford yesterday for a haircut."

Wealthy New Hartford man: "Let's go to my $500,000 mansion and rub whip cream on our bodies in front of the fire."

Wealthy New Hartford women: "When I'm depressed I like to roll around in a big pile of money to lift myself up."

Bumper Sticker on a New Hartford SUV: WHOEVER DIES WITH THE MOST TOYS WINS!
by Tim Jerome November 19, 2007
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Short for killer. Used frequently in the California slacker community to refer to something that is totally radical, gnarly or awesome.
Man, that shit is kill! I gotta get me some of that.

Dude, kill. Did you see that guy on the BMX do a double backflip? I almost showed some wakeful animation for a second.
by Tim Jerome September 4, 2009
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"Let's sock hop!"

"I like to sock hop all night long."

"Sock hopping is fun when you're single."
by Tim Jerome February 20, 2008
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