1 definition by Tia or Edna

Carla is usually a funny crazy pickle loving person. All the Carla's in the word have blonde greasy hair which is usually not seen due to there out going personality. All Carla's have amazing singing voices and are really talented.
jobs for a Carla- Designer, Police officer, Artist, Spy or a agent
personality Traits- crazy, loud , funny, sporty
zodiac signs- a Carla is usually a Aries or Sagittarius there most compatible with Pisces and should be friends with Scorpio
films- a Carla would like to watch films such as zombiesthe spy who dumped me or black panther
where will a Carla be in the future-England(London) America(New York) or Italy(Milan)

If a Carla watches something that makes her sad she will usually turn to her friend pickle juice and drink him
Guy 1: "who's that, over there"
Guy 2: "I believe that is Carla"
Guy 1: "really i love her singing voice"
Tia: "watch yourself she can kick ass"
by Tia or Edna May 15, 2020
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