3 definitions by ThisBrokenCitySky

1. A really cute guy that usually hangs out at a skate park and skateboarding (go figure)

2. A hot guy who usually has long hair, wears skinny jeans, Vans, hoodies, etc.

3. Someone who is "real" and not self-conscious, tells it like it is. You can't fake that type of kick-ass personality. (Well, you can, but it's much too obvious)

4. Someone with a kick-ass smile and gorgeous eyes, but turns around and breaks your heart
"Skater" is a synonym for "heartbreaker"
by ThisBrokenCitySky January 12, 2009
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1. A really cute guy that usually hangs out at a skate park and skateboarding (go figure)

2. A hot guy who usually has long hair, wears skinny jeans, Vans, hoodies, etc.

3. Someone who is "real" and not self-conscious, tells it like it is. You can't fake that type of kick-ass personality. (Well, you can, but it's much too obvious)

4. Someone with a kick-ass smile and gorgeous eyes, but turns around and breaks your heart
"Skater" is a synonym for "heartbreaker"
by ThisBrokenCitySky January 12, 2009
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An automatic overgeneralization of certain labels, regardless of accuracy; Over-abused discrimination.

Cheerleaders: Vain, slutty bitches who are way too self-absorbed

Emos: Attention-seeking, depressed, angsty teens (Fakes, wannabes, attention-seekers=the majority of emo population these days); Wannabe scene queens; Emo Elmo (in my opinion, bullshit, and an inaccurate judgement ofe "emo"); Cutting (is actually a form of non-sexual masochism)

Celebrities: Over-paid actors and musicians just waiting to be judged and showered with overrated popularity; "Scandalous"
Examples of stereotypes (regardless of accuracy):

"All cheerleaders are skinny, skanky, and anorexic."

"Why don't all you stupid emos just bleed to death, you depressed attention-seeking whores?" (Someone actually said this to me)

by ThisBrokenCitySky January 11, 2009
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