2 definitions by Thetherd T. Walsher Jr. The ll

That one thing mom can never find. It's so lost, even the memory of the word is temporarily lost to the abyss. The physical identity of the doomaflop is ever shifting, and as fate would have it everything in existence will at one point become a doomaflop. Once said object is located its doomaflop status is null, and it once again regains its pre-doomaflop identity.
Mom: God damn it I know I left that thing here somewhere.

Dad: What thing?

Mom: You know, the doomaflop that goes on the... the doomaflop.
Dad: ....
by Thetherd T. Walsher Jr. The ll September 2, 2022
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Instakill is a Call of Duty zombies power up that temporarily grants the ability to one-hit kill a normal zombie or dog. The acquisition of the drop is accompanied by an announcement of "Instakilllll."

However, there is an ancient tale of a modified version dubbed "Inkastill," announced by Early Cuyler of Squidbillies (voice of Unknown Hinson the man, the myth, the legend). Adult swim done messed up big time when they folded to the soft ass butthurt snowflakes and fired the man that IS Squidbillies.
Kid 1: Shit I'm down, get that shiny thing over there.

Kid 2: OK I GOT IT

Announcer: INKASTILL
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