1 definition by Thelightwithin

Usually quite hot-headed. Loves the outdoors, music, very sensitive, witty, charismatic. Kind of a hopeless romantic when you get to know him. Strong and ressilent but craves safety and reassurance. Very handsome, charming, carefree. Goes after what he wants with determination. Has his good and bad days. Caring in nature to those close to his heart. Will tear you apart if you hurt him or the ones he loves. He loves deeply and is very healing to be around. Can get carried away with his thoughts and allow them to take over. Doesn't follow the crowd, he paves his own way. Highly intelligent and intuitive. Struggles to express himself in the right way. The deepest and most authentic guy I have ever met. Ever. Try and stop him.
Kris is a natural born healer
by Thelightwithin November 26, 2021
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