1 definition by The_EXxtra

The word "dfsgahpjokiluzyxtcrvebwnqm" is a word search by people who are so bored that they are beyond "mqnwbevrctxyzulikojphagsfd" and are wondering if "dfsgahpjokiluzyxtcrvebwnqm" has ever been searched and are wondering what it even means. Its basically just "mqnwbevrctxyzulikojphagsfd" spelt backwards.
Person: man, I've searched everything and the internet still sucks.
Brain: well you could spell mqnwbevrctxyzulikojphagsfd" backwards.
Person: well I guess I co- WAIT, NO ONE HAS searched "dfsgahpjokiluzyxtcrvebwnqm" as of April 105th 2017?!
Brain: it seems so john, it seems so.
by The_EXxtra April 11, 2017
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