3 definitions by The_Donald

The deliberate act of bringing a child into a sexual, political, or racial ideology, practice, cult, or lifestyle without the knowledge or consent of his or her parents for the aim of isolating them from their family so the external party can abuse and manipulate them.
An educator who aims to exploit a young person for sex is a Groomer
by The_Donald April 6, 2022
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An illiberal and dogmatic form of left wing identity politics that analyses social issues primarily through the lens of supposed power differentials between morally ranked identity groups. Given to shutting down dissent from its orthodoxy by equating it with harm.
You can't believe anything that they say, they are infected with the Woke Mind Virus, they are incapable of seeing reality.
by The_Donald May 20, 2022
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When one of the Woke force inject their Wokist religion bullshit into normal conversation or media.
Did you see that new sci-fi movie? Naw dawg, it’s full of woketardery
by The_Donald July 8, 2022
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