2 definitions by TheTruthHurtsDontIt?

Opposite of Genderbend, it is the act of straightening out a Trap's gender to represent the gender they are dressed as. Thus no longer making them gay.
Guy 1: *Fapping to Gender-straightened Astolfo*
Guy 2: Ugh dude, that's that gay shit.
Guy 1: Nah bro, no dick, so it's cool.
Guy 2: Shit dude, scoot over, lemme in, No Homo.
by TheTruthHurtsDontIt? January 6, 2021
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Someone who is so brainwashed by the COVID-19 fear mongering that they wear a mask/face covering every waking moment of the day, even while out in public alone when no "Mandatory" coverings are required or while alone in their car. They also ride your case for "Threatening to kill the world" because your not doing the same bat-shit crazy shit they are.
Guy1: Look at that dude wearing a mask in his car while it's scorching out.
Guy2: What a Pamperface.
by TheTruthHurtsDontIt? August 22, 2020
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