3 definitions by TheRedTomahawk
Spotlighting to hunt from a vehicle with spotlights. The animal usually is not scared by said spotlights and stays still. Teams may be used for this activity. From 1 person using a remotely controlled spotlight and firing from the driving seat to 3 or more. 1 being the spotter,another the drive and the last guy being the shooter. It is not illegal internationally. But it is prohibited in many countries and many US states.
"I was spotlighting with my friends but the driver push the brakes all of the sudden,my rifle flew over the truck and scared the deer."
by TheRedTomahawk August 28, 2019
A racist term used only to refer to black people who are considered sellouts to their race,whatever that means, weather it is true or not by someone else usually. Usually used as a way to silence black people from expressing opinion that are not popular on the black community
Ben Carlson: "Obama care the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery"
Touré Neblett: "You are an uncle tom because you disagree with what other blacks say"
Ben Carlson: "You are a racist,you would not say that to a white person"
Touré Neblett: "You are an uncle tom because you disagree with what other blacks say"
Ben Carlson: "You are a racist,you would not say that to a white person"
by TheRedTomahawk September 13, 2019
White person who thinks that Africa or any other impoverished area will become rich by giving themhandouts. When in reality plenty of cities have become rich in a period of 20/30/40 years by just not restricting growth with high taxes or burdensome regulation making it impossible for economic mobility to be high . For example see TokyoMany black cities like Detroit have most of their politicians be black yet fail to help black people. The issue as most of the time is politicians. But donating half of your Walmart change may cure a little of that white guilt democrats suffer.
Jimmy: I donated 500 dollars to the ADL(Anti defamation league)
Lamar: And you think that because I am black I support the ADL? You really consider yourself a white savior,don't you?
Jimmy: Now you are making me feel white guilt
Lamar: And you think that because I am black I support the ADL? You really consider yourself a white savior,don't you?
Jimmy: Now you are making me feel white guilt
by TheRedTomahawk September 13, 2019