1 definition by TheRealTronaldDump

TL;DR for both cases - Easily killing an enemy.

In MMORPG's: To attack a lone member of the enemy team with many people via gang rape; To be a high level character and 1v1 someone that's a very low level and has no chance of winning or even significantly harming the aggressor.

In MOBA's: To secure an easy kill by way of abilities that allow the aggressor to close in on an enemy or cause a high amount of damage in a short amount of time, or both, whilst the victim is out of place. AKA to come up and have suprise anal with that retarded tank who's overextended and isolated on midlane.
Elitist Noob Tank: This fucking Khaimera keeps ganking me, gankers are basically just playing on easy mode, tanks actually take skill.
Ganker: Lmao don't step out of line then fucknut, you're an easy pick.
by TheRealTronaldDump June 13, 2017
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