2 definitions by ThePrimalEarth

The elusive 5th installment of the Shrek franchise. Legend has it that it lurks just beyond reach. Biding it’s time until it is ready to be thrust upon the world. When it arrives, some say, the world will shake, onions will ripen, and the heavens above will open up, as the ogrelord descends to great us, his beloved children. Every last man woman and child will kneel before him, as he plays the movie on the largest tv he can find. The world will watch Shrek 5 together, in one true moment of unity. And then after the movie is over, the ogrelord will leave us. His parting words the last evidence of his arrival. His parting words,

Shrek is love...
Shrek is life
Guy one: bro there’s no good movies in 2019.
Guy two: yeah bro.
*ground shakes violently as the air gains an oniony smell”
*Lightning bursts and thunder claps as the skys are ripped apart by the ogrelord*
*the ogrelord plays Shrek 5 on the biggest TV he can find*
Guy one: bro
Guy two: bro
by ThePrimalEarth June 14, 2019
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Guy one: Fuck that thing’s huge!
Guy two: Yeah it’s a Saturn V!
by ThePrimalEarth June 14, 2019
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