10 definitions by TheOnlyHerbert
Harlot, the stingiest of vegans, only eats seeds and wild flowers from the garden. no wonder shes malnourished. sends those ships flying in sea of thieves.. speaking of no they dont fit..
by TheOnlyHerbert April 21, 2022
just the loveliest of toe suckers, only likes two things in life, crossbows on cod and beautiful feet. you're my dad boogie woogie woogie love you step dad!
by TheOnlyHerbert March 28, 2022
unluckiest uce in the game, plays like a total bot then bam #cronusactivates her way with some META gameplay. such a vibe when shes being carried on cod.
by TheOnlyHerbert March 26, 2022
Cracked oce warzone player who jams na, Loves to get "sniped out the air" **cough cough** break his legs, ABSOLUTE LEG-ENNDDDDDD!!!!
by TheOnlyHerbert March 26, 2022
Just your typical horse eating tonga who likes to scream your dad finished me quicker or im not as good on cod as herb.
by TheOnlyHerbert March 14, 2022
QueenOfFades or Ebony Dildofingers, either way shes our favourite porn category. She likes to sea of thieves nuts will fit.. When her internet isnt dying... be careful or she'll cut you with her razors. Not one of the best sense of humours.. Hers is THE BEST!!!
by TheOnlyHerbert April 19, 2022
by TheOnlyHerbert January 17, 2022