2 definitions by TheGrapeFaygoAddictedSocialite

The best flavor of Faygo ever! Google it, it's the best! It tastes like heaven in a tongue-staining purple bottle! Faygo is a Detroit brand of pop which has a huge cult following! Anyone who lives in the metro Detroit area has a favorite Faygo flavor! And! Grape! Is! The! Best!
You: What's the best flavor of Faygo?

Me: Grape, obviously.

Me: Grape Faygo is the best flavor of Faygo ever!

Also Me: Starts talking about how to get high on Grape Faygo in 3 easy steps
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A Hellish reality where you either get overworked or underworked and that takes place in a post-apocolypitic dystopia, or now.
Person 1: Hey, did you do the Online School stuff yet?

Me: y_y

Person 1: Wait, are you even up yet?

Me: y_y

Person 1: Or are you just writing entries on Urban Dictionary to escape Online School?

Me: Yes.
Get the Online School mug.