2 definitions by TheGirlWhoEatsPeople

Definition Of Ema (pronounced Eeeeee-mmm-aaaa)
Ema is usually a female.
Her name means "Crazy one" in a long lost language of ye olde sea-speake.
Ema's soulmate (husband) normally is called: Clarke, Bob or Jake.
Ema is a very musical person and plays a cello.

Ema normally has a twin (called Ella)
Overall, Ema is a kind person, who thinks shes a teapot.
Oh, whos that girl who thinks shes a teapot, oh yeah its Ema!
by TheGirlWhoEatsPeople May 28, 2010
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A nickname for a girl.
Often derived from the names "Manasvini" "Manasa" or "Maisie"
It can also mean delicate and lighthearted.
Tina: "Hello whats your name?"
Manasa: "Manasa"
Tina: "How about we call you Manzy then?"
Manasa: "Ok"
by TheGirlWhoEatsPeople July 15, 2010
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