2 definitions by TheCockringCabilero

A descendent of Akatosh himself, the Dova were thought to be just legends, until you woke up on that God Damn cart.
"It is always wise to mistrust a Dova - Paarthurnax"
by TheCockringCabilero December 20, 2021
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A very interchangeable term, having a bad day? Fuck a bitch named Ryan! Someone stressing you out to your breaking point? Fuck a bitch named Ryan!

Fuck A Bitch named Ryan!!! This is a saying that can express ill feelings of Jiveary going on within proximity to you.
JACK - "How was your day"
JIM - "Horrible; my wife cheated on me, my son came out as gay, and my dog got ran over"
JACK "Fuck A Bitch Named Ryan, that's some rough shit"
by TheCockringCabilero December 1, 2022
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