4 definitions by The wolf queen

Love is like a drug once you fall in love it’s gonna be hard to get out of it
by The wolf queen April 23, 2019
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Angelina is a very smart,beautiful,amazing person ever! She’s always there when you need her. She’s always hilarious. She makes everyone happy! And if you have met an Angelina’s you are a very lucky person!
by The wolf queen September 23, 2018
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A nico can be crazy but is really funny he doesn’t care what people think of him he is a very nice and generous person I’m glad nico is my friend
by The wolf queen April 23, 2019
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A code-name used to describe the act of role-playing in a non-sexual way.
Guy 1: So, are we going to Creevy today?
Guy 2: You know it. Get the falchions.
by The wolf queen August 13, 2011
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