2 definitions by The Random Dictioneer

An internal mental fear that a person you’re in love with might be a different biological sex then they appear to be or claim to be.

This internal mental fear is not recognized as a disorder or phobia. At least not yet. For now, it’s a word that refers to the fear stated previously.
Michael: Hey Jack, you know Nancy?
Jack: The girl you like? Of course.
Michael: What if she’s actually a boy in disguise?
Jack: What kind of fucking drugs are you on?

Michael: I don’t know. I’m just... worried...

Frank: Michael, you have Suspendisse Delusion.
by The Random Dictioneer May 19, 2020
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Republic, Latin for res publica (res meaning affair and publica meaning public), is a form of government where a nation is a public matter to citizens. A Republic is achieved through Representative Democracy, where the population elects representatives to govern the nation on there behalf and through the Rule of Law, where laws, wether codified or not, influence society, are applied equally to everyone in that, and dictate how a country is to be governed.
the former Roman Republic, the United States of America, the Fifth French Republic, the United Mexican States, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), etc.
by The Random Dictioneer June 29, 2019
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