2 definitions by The Lazer

A man who has not experienced an ejaculation for an above average period of time. It is generally agreed that someone with a healthy sexual appetite can be adequately described as 'fully loaded' if they have not jerked off or had sex for a period of two weeks.
- "Christ, did you see the size of that guy's balls in the gym showers?"
- "Yer, he's off to Ibiza next week, someone told me he was going fully loaded."
by The Lazer May 23, 2008
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An act of urination, often undertaken whist on the lash, taken before moving on somewhere else. The basis of the activity being to avoid getting caught short en route to your next destination.
- "Drink up mate we're moving on."
- "OK, just a sec, there might be a queue at the next place. I reckon we should both take a quick safety wee."
by The Lazer May 23, 2008
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