1 definition by The Juice Eternal

A cult formulated on November 1st, 2019 with a set goal to praise the creator of all things WALTER WARNER. This cult surrounds sacred 11th month of the year as it is recognized as a time to repent for one's sins by not releasing the Eternal NUTT. In this cult, there are many prayers, commandments, daily blogs from the scribes and even genesis. To spread Waltism there is a universal sign to show loyalty (Forming a W with both hands) this will repel all anti-waltist.

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, there was only Walt. He was everything, and in his imminence, he created all. With his great knowledge, he created man, but he was lonely, so he gave man a hand. He also gave man a penis, which was his lover, his muse. With his hand, he made love to his penis and floweth from it came the juice of the eternal. However, man became too greedy, and he abused this gift of pleasure. During the Eleventh Month, our God and Savior Walter forbids us to release the NUTT of the eternal in order to purify ourselves of the mortal world and ascend into a higher being. Whoever NUTTS during the sacred month is hereby smited and banished to the Nether realm.
Do you believe in Waltism?

Yeah, I sure am and am apart of the Church of Walt.
by The Juice Eternal November 4, 2019
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