1 definition by The Christmas bee

A fascist country ruled over by the granddaughter of Adolf Hitler. It is also often called "West Romania". It is located to the west of Romania. The people here love company because they have many group activities to do in town such as:

1) Punching orphans

2) Kicking puppies

3) Pushing an old lady onto the street

4) Praying that one day they'll be as free as the DPRK

5) Sucking their own dicks

and many others.

To enter Serbia, you need to be alive, since if you are dead, or close to dying you will be kicked out. That way Serbia has a 0% mortality rate. If you die it will only count 5 days after the authorities have found your body. Their healthcare hasn't had an incident since 1991, since then their healthcare is located in Albania. You are not allowed to leave either, thus they don't have an emigration problem.

Serbia is consisted of 5 provinces:

1) Vojvodina

2) Serbia proper

3) Kosovo

4) Montenegro

5) Bosnia

The language is Serbian and it is a beautiful language. The most important phrases in Serbian are:

"Jebo ti Bog mater bre" meaning "Have a good day", it's used commonly as a greeting, and "Slava drugu Titu" meaning "Me and my family will be executed in 3 days on the main square"

Overall I'd recommend giving Serbia a go, I give it a solid 7.8/10
Dude1: "Hey have you been to Serbia"

Dude2: "Of course bro, sick place"

Dude3:"Slava drugu Titu"

Dude1:"Damn, it was nice knowing you"
by The Christmas bee February 3, 2019
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