4 definitions by The guro for your personality

Carmiceal is a sweet majestic person but when he is angry he can be abusive or mean.They are fighters you cant say they don't bite because they do.If you were or do date him you know that he will give you what you want whenever you ask and wont even care what he loses.He thinks he is rich but just spoiled.He is not the brightest light bulb but he cares he does not look very good but if you date him you wont mind.
Your just like carmiceal
by The guro for your personality October 31, 2019
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Demond is a demon he is not hot at all he thinks he is rich and is not he is a bold phoney.
by The guro for your personality November 1, 2019
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Aislinn is the most beautiful girl in the world their eyes are most of the time brown their hair changes color in the dim light it is black or dark brown in the light it is light brown she is not afraid to tell anyone about her feelings she s fierce Aislinn's are usually a Tarus and they are fighters and they are mean their bulls to be exact.They know when you are being a liar and know when to be flirty if you have feelings for her she is usually drawing or sketching to show them off at school or home don't ever lose aislinn's trust it is hard to gain it back and she will get you back easily.Aislinn's always have money on them but they don't tell anyone.They are also really hot and when the wind blows they always have the perfect angle and they have gaps and their teeth would be perfect if they were to get braces mixed girls are the most common aislinn's dont be mean to aislinn she will do anything for you to be gone if you do.They also have fluffy hair and really long and thick and when its straight she is even more gorgeous.
I want my girlfriend to look more like aislinn not a fat pig
You will pay,you will pay aislinn~
by The guro for your personality October 31, 2019
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She is beautiful and nice she is a hermit she usually does not have a lot of friends only one or two and cares for everyone and has speacial abilities.
by The guro for your personality November 1, 2019
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