1 definition by The coldest person alive 🥶🥶

Today is for those people who are the most confident, kind, sentimental, crazy-ass amazing people out there! On this day everyone has to give the birthday person at least 16$, and will be kicked if they don’t fulfill that requirement!! If the person who doesn’t pay is shorter than the birthday kid by one thumb, then it is legally allowed to kick them twice! If they are shorter by a head or more, then they have to pay more than the year you were born! Also, age doesn’t count here - you bet that five year old glaring at you suspiciously has to give you at least two thousand dollars (or less, if you’re really old) and by the way, they also get kicked twice if they don’t pay. Also, if the birthday person gave them a gift on their birthday (like an acorn or something) then you MUST gift them a present! If you don’t, then you will be jailed!! :D

Go my fellow Capricorns, and rampage as much as necessary!
Arthur: oh no! It’s January 16th and I forgot to give y/n 16$!!!
DW: oh my god I’m so short and like two idk I have to pay them 2003$!!!
Arthur: haha, but did you get them an acorn too???
DW: oh no!!!
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