2 definitions by The Wobbit from the Moon

Short for Ginseng, a root that grows in the woods of West Virginia and North Carolina. The root had a TV show dedicated to it . The show was called “Appalachian Outlaws” and It was wild and crazy. The reason for people literally killing each other over it is the price. Seng can even go for as much as $1000 a lbs (pound).
Go get me some seng from the woods Patrick. I’ll make sure to reward ya ass with a pretty penny. Be careful for them cockroaches trying to rob you and steal your roots. I’ll be expecting you at my office with a sack full of seng, so get ya arse to the woods Patrick and don’t get fucked.
by The Wobbit from the Moon October 27, 2020
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A guy who is a complete waste of space. A low life black sheep of their family. Most of them if not all are black young guys, robbing people and thinking they’re the shit. A lost cause. They’re the type of a person who will rob a defenseless woman and then brag about how they just came up on a lick. Basically brainless. People like that should be used as target practice on a gun range.
Girl: Those guys robbed me at knife point and took my phone!
Person: How did they look like?
Girl: I didn’t really look at their faces all that much, they were young, sagging their pants almost to the ground
Person: Ah yes, nigger hoodlums! Sorry that happend to you!
by The Wobbit from the Moon October 21, 2021
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