2 definitions by The REAL Moonshine

A type of muffler that is mainly found on rice burners(toyota, nissan, etc.) that lets out a low-pitched hum to make the car sound like it has some power.
Dumbass: Dude! that supra sounds awesome! I bet that thing could tear it up on the quarter mile!
Smart person: No, that's just a shit whistle. The car will probably pull about a 15 sec. 1/4 mile.
by The REAL Moonshine December 20, 2005
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A type of muffler that is used for shitty cars (mostly rice burners such as toyota and nissan) that makes a very low-pitched hum. Shit whisltes are used to make the cars seem to have a sizable amount of power and/or speed. When rubber meets the road however, the car proves to be a heap of shit.
Dumbass: Dude, that supra sounds awesome! I bet that thing could tear it up on the quarter mile!

Smart person: No, that's just a shit whistle. The car will actually run about a 15 second quarter mile.
by The REAL Moonshine December 18, 2005
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