1 definition by The King!!!

All you need is a deck of cards, at least 4 people, a lot of booze and a large cup. I recomend that you only use mixed drinks and beer for this game because if you use shots ... you're FUCKED! You place the large cup(referred to as the King's Cup) at the middle of a table and circle the deck of card around the cup. In a clockwise motion, one by one each person at the table pulls a card and does whatever the rule for that card is.
Ace- Social(everyone drinks)
King - Everyone pours a "splash" of their drinks into the "kings cup".
Queen - Question Master! This person is the question master unitl someone else pulls a queen. They can ask anyone at the table any question any time throughout the game without warning and that person must answer the question masters' question with another question ... or they drink.
J - Categories. Person who pulls Jack picks a category(bugs, flowers, movies, etc.) and going clockwise everyone names something from that category. Whoever messes up .. drinks!
10 - Make a rule. This person gets to make up a rule for the game that everyone else must abide by(ex. everyone must drink with opposite hand or everyone talks with accents). Anyone who breaks the rules ... drinks.
9 - Busta Rhyme! Someone starts out by saying a rhyme and going clockwise, others must "bust rhymes" that rhyme with yours.(ex. "I like cats", "I wear hats", "I swing bats", etc.)
8 - "If you've never's". Whoever pulls this stands up and says something they've never done and whoever has done it ... drinks!(ex. "I've never kissed a girl.", "I've never done cocaine.")
7 - Waterfalls! Everyone stands and starts drinking as soon as the person who pulled the 7 starts. That person can stop whenever they want but no one else can stop until the person on their left stops drinking.
6 - DICKS! All the guys drink.
5 - Thumbmaster! This person is the Thumbmaster until the next person pulls a 5. Whenever this person sticks their thumb on the table everyone else must do so too and the last person to do so ... drinks!
4 - WHORES! Girls drink.
3 - Fuck me!Whoever pulls the 3 drinks.
2 - Fuck you! Point at anyone at the table and say "fuck you" and they have to drink.
Whoever pulls the last(fourth) King card out of the deck, has to drink THE ENTIRE King's cup. !
It is sooo fun to play and you can play with almost any number of people! Enjoy
by The King!!! August 15, 2005
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