2 definitions by The Darkside

It's Friday night and everybody is out partying and you're just sitting on your couch staring into space and wishing someone would at least message you or call etc. I sometimes suffer from Friday night loneliness but thank god for The internet and YouTube.
Are you suffering from Friday Night loneliness? Well go on YouTube and have a YouTube spree.
by The Darkside October 24, 2014
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a large country located in central asia that nobody knows about because like no one lives there. kazakhstan is forested and has many mountains, and is pretty nice. however, the government is corrupt as it used to be a part of the soviet union. it has a "democratic" government; you can vote, but you only have 1 option, so you either vote for that person or you don't vote at all.
person 1: where are you from asian?
person 2: kazakhstan
person 1: where?
person 2: kazakhstan...u know..in central asia...near mongolia and russia...
person 1: nah got no idea what you're talkin 'bout.
person 2: *sigh*
by The Darkside May 21, 2012
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