10 definitions by That other girl

I-M-D-B stand for Intenet Movie Database

I-M-D-B also spells addictive.
I could spend hours on IMDB and in fact... I have!
by That other girl January 4, 2007
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An amazing woman who has made many achivements in the world of music and politics. She has the most beautiful voice in all of recorded music, and possibly the world. She dated Bob Dylan for a brief period in time, but let's face it people, they're not getting back together anytime soon. Who cares, Joan doesn't need him anyways!
1. "Hey everyone, I'm going to see Joan Baez in concert!"
"Oh my gosh, she rules. Can I come too? Pleeeeease?"

Joan Baez is nothing but sweet, kind, and pleasant to her fans.
by That other girl June 24, 2006
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