3 definitions by That boi from school

What is a bagel? is it food? Breakfast? No, it is the very foundation of every black hole in the universe by eating one you absorb infinite mass making all things get pulled to you, even the remote across the room you're trying to use the force on, but beware of the bagel's great power your house will probably implode on you if you eat it. and then the entire universe will be sucked into you, ripping a massive hole in our reality.
person 1: oh free bagels
person 2: no don...
by That boi from school October 23, 2019
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the one and the only asexual human creature he reproduces when he wants and stores all of his children in the basement so they can reproduce and become the greatest army in the world. some people think robots will take over the world but I know the truth. THE ANSWER IS KENNY!!!!!!!!
what are you doing over their Kenny
Kenny: making more of my army of me
by That boi from school February 7, 2019
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