1 definition by Th3 Trüth Hürts

When you have deep emotions for your "best" friend and you really really want it to stop because you told them and he/she doesn't see you in that way but they continue to talk to you and flirt in a way because they know. You hurt when you see them with other people but continue to cheer them on because you love them and want nothing but the best for them. You have so many mixed emotions about the entire situation and it just keeps getting more and more complicated. Maybe you should just tell them to stop leading you on. Yeah, they're your best friend, but that doesn't give them the right to play with your emotions just because they like the attention. Or maybe you should stop being clingy and paranoid. They'll be others. Wanna be just friends? Well fine. Tell them you're just friends, if they don't like it, that's them. They need to get their priorities straight.
Girl: who do you have a crush on?
Person: my best friend...
Girl: a best friend crush huh?
Person: yeah...it sucks but I can't stop it.
by Th3 Trüth Hürts May 29, 2017
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