2 definitions by Tender Vittles

The nintendo 64 was an awesome console and still is. I remember growing up on this thing. I got it when i was 5 when it first came out and had it for a while. It had so many good games like: Super Mario 64, Mario Kart, Zelda(s), James Bond: Golden eye and so many others. I had so many fond memories with the N64. I would rent a game almost every week and try to beat it before I had to give it back. I rented Goldeneye like 11 times it was so much fun. I wish I never got rid of it. It is so much better than the new ones, it may not look as good, but the games are alot better.
I miss my nintendo 64..
by Tender Vittles July 10, 2005
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Wait a minute! Consider all the risks before you just charge ahead.
The man wanted to jump out of the plane with his parachute, but the trainer said, "Whoa there cowboy" we haven't verified everything is working right on the checklist yet.
by Tender Vittles June 13, 2012
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