1 definition by Team Fortress 69

Mitchell's are rare creatures. Here's what you can expect from some if not all of them.

1. Reminding people their name Is too common

2. Being jokingly offensive and homophobic

3. Too flirty for their own good.

4. Will make fun of vegans and rant about steaks/meats

5. Plays so many video games, watches movies, and will binge watch anime with their close buds.

6. Jokes too much, even In serious times.

7. Basically a reflective shield. Mitchell's don't take shit from anybody and will constantly prove to kick your ass when

they actually try to apply themselves to any situation.

8. They are incredibly lazy, almost never taking things into their own hands.

9. They are both mentally and physically strong, analyzing the situation and grasping victory.

10. They know how to give you a good time, may that be partying, in bed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) or elsewhere.

11. (Bonus) Mitchell's are great paired up with Elizabeth (s)
Duuude, did you hear? Mitchel hooked up with Elizabeth last night!

Omg, Mitchell just watched 45 episodes of my favorite anime with me in three days, he's so nice!

I think Sarah got a Mitchell for a boyfriend.
by Team Fortress 69 May 16, 2018
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