2 definitions by Talon Farrell

Someone who is the designated Gaggerbagger would not be aloud to Drink in a party.. instead they will walk around with gag bag's and make sure noone spews on the floor..
ToY today its your turn to be the desi gaggerbagger..
Jason today its your turn to be the desi gaggerbagger..
(insert name) today its your turn to be the desi gaggerbagger..
by Talon Farrell October 2, 2007
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Spoogetastic means that if you Spooge (Blow the Sea serpent) and its a Fantastic Spooge.. You will tell your friends and familty you just Have a Spoogetastic time!
-Hey mum.. I just had a Spoogetastic time!
-Hey guy's i reckon i would have the most spoogetastic time with your Sisters
-Sir Spoogealot and a spoogetastic time
by Talon Farrell October 2, 2007
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