3 definitions by Taehyungsleftbuttcheekyt

A dick nob is a person that’s like a dickhead, but not. They’re stupid and rude and you hate them with passion. If someone makes a disgusting or misogynistic joke, they are a dick knob. If they take offence to it tell them to suck it up because It’s a fact. This person could either be racist, sexist, etc. If it’s a man and they’re being misogynistic, (sexist against women), they are a dick knob. If a woman is being a misandrist (sexiest against men), they are a dick job. If someone cheats on you. They are a dick knob. If someone makes a rape joke, or a “dark joke” that involves racism, misogyny, misandry etc, they are a dick knob. So on and so forth
*r4pe joke*
“You’re a fucking dick knob aye cunt.”
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If anyone says this, RUN

pOint BlAnc pEriOdT nO tAmPOn
by Taehyungsleftbuttcheekyt October 4, 2019
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