2 definitions by TMC (The Marvelous Christian)

When the open-minded; optimistic bud-smoker decides to not throw away the roach and use what's left of it. Usually what's left is placed into a relatively small piece or pipe and for the really determined ones, sometimes even stashed away for later when enough roaches equal a gram.
Pot-Head A: Hey you can throw that out man, it's just the roach. Pot-Head B: I'm gunna make your hair static if you ever say something like that again. Dude, we're goin to turtle it.
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The communication and lifestyle of bud-smokers. 12 percent of this stays rather anonymous.
gert: Yo, met this real chill girl. Oddly enough she even knew what it's like to watch the food channel late at night, found out she was one of the locals.
jeff: it's amzing.
gert: what is?
jeff: How uninteresting your story is because I don't smoke.
gert: yea, I figured.
by TMC (The Marvelous Christian) October 13, 2009
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