3 definitions by THECHILLPHILL

1. A individual with strong opinions, Freedom of speech

2. a person that disagrees or has others opinions or view points.

3. Devils Advocate
Junk food isn't good for your health, so I am a junk food H8r.
by THECHILLPHILL October 31, 2009
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A person that becomes controlled by a internet relationship; to the point where cyber-sex and pixels are more important then a real life sexual relationship. To become a chat room wanker full time.
a)Melissa makes Lonnie dance like a puppet on his webcam in front of 100 people. He is half a man now that hes PIXEL WHIPPED.
b)Instead of meeting a woman in his local area code; Frank made love to his hand in front of a computer screen. He is truely pixel whipped
by THECHILLPHILL June 21, 2008
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1. Critics of the world, Freedom of speech

2. People that bicker and banter over funny subject matter
I knew the concert was full of H8RZ when I heard the booing all around the entire stadium
by THECHILLPHILL October 31, 2009
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